Monday, September 26, 2011

this little gal {part II} . . .

upon dropping off Cleo at the 4 corners, grandma told Cleo, "grandma has had enough of you for one weekend, Cleo." Cleo took one look at grandma and said, "see ya!"

likes to go to bed with a bottle and her two rhinos

calls out for sully as soon as she gets up

can say her own name along with billie, jerry, hallie, phoebe, kevin and darcy

tries to sing along to twinkle twinkle little star

still loves Mickey Mouse

has a new fondness for "me-mo" ie Nemo

likes to take her clothes off

when we ask her how she is doing she says "good"

dropped her off at kids care at the gym last week and she walked right in and said "hi guys"

points to her scabs or other people's scabs and says "ow"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ridgeland Fair 2011

Once again,  we made our way to Ridgeland, Wisconsin for our annual cheeseburger lunch and front row seats to the parade. {henry was with benny}  

A few pictures from the day . . .

Hallie and Phoebe were so good to Cleo . . .  ride after ride they never complained!

Kevin's famous ride pose . . .

Just hanging out at the parade . . . 

Cleo loved the fishing game . . .

side note: grandma billie and auntie tricia both grew up in ridgeland, wisconin.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

fourth grade

doesn't this look like a kid who is EXCITED for fourth grade?

after realizing that he didn't have ONE buddy in his class this is basically what he looked like when he got home too! unfortunately, school has never been on henry's top 10 list and that did not help.

he does have a great teacher though; mr. behnke. he had him in second grade too!

he'll come around . . . i hope it's sooner than later!