Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dog Park

one of our favorite things to do on the weekends . . . THE DOG PARK!!
i finally remembered to bring my camera, but i forgot to take a picture of sully!

we ran into chris and gina too!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

H-bomb is in the middle of a big school project. In the past,  I have pissed and moaned about projects, but this one? This one is super cool and right up my alley!

It's called the "Immigration Simulation." In a nutshell, the kids are learning about

their ancestors. H-bomb is lucky enough to still have a set of great-grand parents that are alive and well! His great-grandma Dora's dad came to the United States from Norway when he was sixteen years old. His aunt and uncle sent a ticket for his sister to come, but she was young and in love and had no interest in leaving her boyfriend behind. So Christian got on a boat and headed this way!Part of the simulation is doing a family tree. H-bomb finished his this morning. It was his idea, and he only needed a little bit of my help. I loved how it turned out and I love 
how proud of it he was! Check it out . . . 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


blowing bubbles with daddy!

why would you walk down the steps when you could "hop like a bunny rabbit"?

grandma billie made these cupcakes with the kids . . . 
actually just hallie and phoebe! henry lost interest quickly!