Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our Iowa Adventure PART TWO

On Saturday we got up and headed straight to the Antique Fair! Everyone was well rested and ready to go. 

Booth after booth after booth . . . you name it, we saw it! 

Henry had ONE thing on his list . . . a banana seat bike. And he found one! It was the only one we saw all day. It was in great shape and the price was right! He was so so excited!

Hallie bought a necklace with a vintage typewriter key attached to it. Phoebe didn't find anything she couldn't live without and Kevin found something that he was very excited about . . . a bright yellow golf bag with a great price tag. FIVE BUCKS!  I bought a few little things, but had the most fun taking pictures. 

Here are a few of my favorites . . . 

I think Henry, Kev and I could have walked all day, but the girls were done after 5 hours. It wasn't their most favorite part of the trip but they were good sports!

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