Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of July Part I

We spent the weekend in cumberland at grandma and grandpa Jerome's house. Henry was with Benny down at grandma Sue's but they stopped a couple times during the weekend so we could get our Henry fix!

Ross, Ella, Libby, Phoebe, Hallie, Henry, Hans and Agatha

Uncle Carl brought his boat so there was a ton of tubing and skiing. He told the girls that he wouldn't pull them on tube again until they tried skiing. I added to that by saying, if they tried skiing I would try getting up on one . . . it's been 3 years since I was on skis . . . the girls held up their end of the deal and so did i! All three of us got up!  So exciting for Hallie and Phoebe. Uncle carl was PROUD and Aunt Darcy was SORE!

A weekend at grandma and grandpa's would not be complete without dinner on the pontoon . . . one of my very favorite things!

A few more pictures from the weekend . . .

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